Pre-Rigged Kite Line
KL80B: R & R Tackle’s 80-pound braid kite line is approximately 380 feet of uninterrupted 80lb smooth-finished braid with flossed marks that stop kite clips at predetermined distances which creates the strongest kite line system available. These flossed marks were designed for the M2 as well as the R2 clips, but also work with other brands of clips. Distances are approximate: kite to #1 clip - 120 feet; 80 feet between each of the clips; and 100 feet from the #3 clip to the end of the kite reel. The floss marks also have small stopper marks to stop the clips from advancing or from blowing to the next mark on a windier day. These are the kite lines used by the Miss Britt Fishing Team in Miami.