Lewis Wind Fishing Kites
Product Description:
Extra Light Wind Kite
This kite is ideal for extremely light wind conditions, ranging from 4.5 to 9 mph, when you need to keep your bait away from your boat and on the surface where you want it. The lightweight struts and fabric are designed to efficiently catch even the slightest breeze.
Medium Wind Kite
This medium wind kite is the perfect all-around choice. It performs best in 10-18 mph winds and can easily handle stronger gusts.
Extra Heavy Wind Kite
For wind speeds of 20+ mph, this kite is your go-to choice. Featuring four strategically placed holes and specialized fabric, it effectively spills excess wind, ensuring steady flight even in heavy gusty conditions.
Gale Force Wind Kite
For dedicated fishermen or those tournament days when you must brave winds of 30 mph or more, this kite is essential. Featuring extra-strong struts, specialized fabric, and 8 strategically placed holes, it efficiently spills excess wind, ensuring steady flight even in the strongest winds.
Picture may differ than the actual product.